M.P.E.C. statistics for 684

Discovery MPECs
Made with MPECSGET (Version of 2023 Jan 11) at 01-12-2025 18:30:08
Name: Prescott
Code: 684
Longitude: 247.510000°
Cos: 0.825120
Sin: 0.563560
Earth center distance 6362.421589 km;
Latitude (geocentric) 34.333220°
Latitude (geographic) 34.512680°
Data file (text)
Number of discovery MPECs: 32
MPEC 2002-F13 : 2002 EY11 (*)
MPEC 2001-S15 : 2001 SK9 (*)
MPEC 2001-K29 : 2001 KY1 (*)
MPEC 2001-H10 : 2001 GT2 (*)
MPEC 2001-H08 : 2001 GQ2 (*)
MPEC 2001-H05 : 2001 GO2 (*)
MPEC 2001-A23 : 2001 AE2 (*)
MPEC 2000-W60 : 2000 WS67 (*)
MPEC 2000-T27 : 2000 TU28 (*)
MPEC 2000-T21 : 2000 SC241 (*)
MPEC 2000-T03 : 2000 SY162 (*)
MPEC 2000-S70 : 2000 SE45 (*)
MPEC 2000-S51 : 2000 SO10 (*)
MPEC 2000-S40 : 2000 SD8 (*)
MPEC 2000-S17 : 2000 SL (*)
MPEC 2000-R24 : 2000 RV37 (*)
MPEC 1999-Y33 : 1999 YK5 (*)
MPEC 1999-X16 : 1999 XP35 (*)
MPEC 1999-U05 : 1999 TW16 (*)
MPEC 1999-T54 : 1999 TL12 (*)
MPEC 1999-T53 : 1999 TK12 (*)
MPEC 1999-T44 : 1999 TB10 (*)
MPEC 1999-M28 : 1999 LD31 (*)
MPEC 1999-M13 : 1999 LD30 (*)
MPEC 1999-K05 : 1999 JA11 (*)
MPEC 1999-J50 : 1999 JT6 (*)
MPEC 1999-J49 : 1999 JR6 (*)
MPEC 1999-F25 : 1999 FQ10 (*)
MPEC 1999-F20 : 1999 FQ5 (*)
MPEC 1999-D17 : 1999 DK3 (*)
MPEC 1998-W30 : 1998 WQ5 (*)
MPEC 1998-H25 : 1998 HZ7 (*)

Observed discovery objects

Important: All values concerns only the discovery MPEC. If the object appears in other MPECs, these values are not used. For this look here

Nr.ObjectDiscoveryStationsObs allObs 684Obs percentNote
1      J98H07Z *32229 % 
2      J98W05Q *634412 % 
3      J99D03K *64225 % 
4      J99F05Q *104337 % 
5      J99F10Q *419316 % 
6      J99J06R *419211 % 
7      J99J06T *117357 % 
8      J99J11A *425520 % 
9      J99L30D *733721 % 
10      J99L31D *2219232 % 
11      J99T10B *53426 % 
12      J99T12K *64425 % 
13      J99T12L *42428 % 
14      J99T16W *52827 % 
15      J99X35P *83326 % 
16      J99Y05K *95524 % 
17      K00G82Q Discovery111100 % 
18      K00R37V *415427 % 
19      K00S00L *52827 % 
20      K00S08D *413646 % 
21      K00S10O *527519 % 
22      K00S45E *73439 % 
23      K00SG2Y *94824 % 
24      K00SO1C *214321 % 
25      K00T28U *316425 % 
26      K00W67S *62628 % 
27      K01A02E *640513 % 
28      K01G02O *322523 % 
29      K01G02Q *83938 % 
30      K01G02T *412325 % 
31      K01K01Y *94038 % 
32      K01S09K *84537 % 
33      K02E11Y *72528 % 
Sum33 objects   17781046 %0 comets

Stations are all stations in the discovery MPEC, which observed this object. Object is the short name and an asteriks appears for objects, which have been announced in the MPECs as NEO. A discovery by this station is named as Discovery. Obs all are all observations in the discovery MPEC for this object. Obs 684 are all observations in the discovery MPEC for this station. Obs percent is the percentage of stations observation to all observations.

684 has discovered 1 objects. It has made 104 of all 1778 observations (6 %) at 33 objects in all discovery MPECS.

All MPECs for station 684

Discovery MPEC for station 684

All observations for station 684

Created with MPECSGET.