M.P.E.C. statistics for 809Discovery MPECsMade with MPECSGET (Version of 2023 Jan 11) at 01-05-2025 18:30:07 Name: European Southern Observatory, La Silla Code: 809 Longitude: 289.266260° Cos: 0.873440 Sin: -0.486052 Earth center distance 6364.718745 km; Latitude (geocentric) -29.095068° Latitude (geographic) -29.258883° Data file (text) Number of discovery MPECs: 61 MPEC 2020-X10 : COMET P/2005 CR16 = 2003 WR168 = 2020 W2 (NEAT-LINEAR) (*) MPEC 2020-Q175 : OBSERVATIONS AND ORBITS OF COMETS AND A/ OBJECTS (*) MPEC 2020-P19 : OBSERVATIONS AND ORBITS OF COMETS AND A/ OBJECTS (*) MPEC 2019-J142: OBSERVATIONS AND ORBITS OF COMETS (*) MPEC 2017-S54 : 2010 JO179 (*) MPEC 2016-F27 : 2016 FC (*) MPEC 2014-Y09 : 2014 YC (*) MPEC 2014-A45 : 2014 AB17 (*) MPEC 2011-O48 : FIVE NEW TNOS (*) MPEC 2011-H58 : 36 NEW TNOS (*) MPEC 2009-Y47 : 2009 YD7 (*) MPEC 2008-N48 : 2008 NQ3 (*) MPEC 2008-N47 : 2008 NP3 (*) MPEC 2006-H29 : 45 NEW MULTIPLE-OPPOSITION TNOs (*) MPEC 2005-W59 : 2002 PA171, 2002 PB171, 2002 PC171 (*) MPEC 2005-W58 : 2002 PW170, 2002 PX170, 2002 PY170 (*) MPEC 2005-W57 : 2002 PT170, 2002 PU170, 2002 PV170 (*) MPEC 2005-D07 : 2005 DD (*) MPEC 2005-C60 : 2005 CU61 (*) MPEC 2005-C59 : 2005 CN61 (*) MPEC 2005-C51 : 2005 CG41 (*) MPEC 2005-B52 : 2005 BX26 (*) MPEC 2005-B24 : 2005 BW1 (*) MPEC 2004-V09 : 2004 VC (*) MPEC 2004-Q60 : 2004 QT24 (*) MPEC 2003-X25 : 2003 XK (*) MPEC 2003-X24 : 2003 WG166 (*) MPEC 2003-N43 : 2003 NP7 (*) MPEC 2003-G08 : 2003 GA (*) MPEC 2003-G02 : 2003 FJ8 (*) MPEC 2003-F61 : 2003 FY6 (*) MPEC 2003-F58 : 2003 FR6 (*) MPEC 2003-F47 : 2003 FB5 (*) MPEC 2003-F43 : 2003 FU3 (*) MPEC 2003-F40 : 2003 FS2 (*) MPEC 2003-F28 : 2003 FG (*) MPEC 2003-C65 : 2003 CR20 (*) MPEC 2003-C35 : 2003 BH84 (*) MPEC 2003-B56 : 2003 BC46 (*) MPEC 2001-U61 : 2001 UA17, 2001 UB17, 2001 UC17 (*) MPEC 2001-J25 : 2001 DB106, 2001 DC106, 2001 DD106, 2001 ES24, 2001 HZ58, 2001 HA59 (*) MPEC 2000-Y05 : 2000 WK183, 2000 WL183, 2000 WM183, 2000 WN183, 2000 WO183 (*) MPEC 2000-W40 : 2000 WV12, 2000 WW12, 2000 WX12 (*) MPEC 2000-S24 : EIGHT TNOs (*) MPEC 2000-R48 : 2000 QF226, 2000 QG226, 2000 QH226, 2000 QJ226, 2000 QK226, 2000 QL226 (*) MPEC 2000-R47 : 2000 QB226, 2000 QC226, 2000 QD226, 2000 QE226 (*) MPEC 2000-P27 : 2000 OY51 (*) MPEC 2000-P25 : 1999 CM158, 2000 OB51 (*) MPEC 2000-K31 : 2000 JF81, 2000 JG81, 2000 JH81, 2000 KK4, 2000 KL4 (*) MPEC 1999-O38 : 1999 GS46 (*) MPEC 1999-O36 : 1999 KR16, 1999 KS16 (*) MPEC 1998-W10 : 1998 VO33 (*) MPEC 1995-M02 : 1995 GY7 (*) MPEC 1995-M01 : 1995 FB21 (*) MPEC 1995-F09 : 1995 FJ (*) MPEC 1995-F09 : 1995 FJ (*) MPEC 1995-F09 : 1995 FJ (*) MPEC 1995-F09 : 1995 FJ (*) MPEC 1995-F09 : 1995 FJ (*) MPEC 1995-F09 : 1995 FJ (*) MPEC 1994-T14 : 1994 TG2 (*) Observed discovery objectsImportant: All values concerns only the discovery MPEC. If the object appears in other MPECs, these values are not used. For this look here
Stations are all stations in the discovery MPEC, which observed this object. Object is the short name and an asteriks appears for objects, which have been announced in the MPECs as NEO. A discovery by this station is named as Discovery. Obs all are all observations in the discovery MPEC for this object. Obs 809 are all observations in the discovery MPEC for this station. Obs percent is the percentage of stations observation to all observations. 809 has discovered 56 objects. It has made 673 of all 13795 observations (5 %) at 91 objects in all discovery MPECS. |