M.P.E.C. statistics for D35

Discovery MPECs
Made with MPECSGET (Version of 2023 Jan 11) at 01-05-2025 18:30:07
Name: Lulin Observatory
Code: D35
Longitude: 120.873600°
Cos: 0.918180
Sin: 0.395970
Earth center distance 6366.956743 km;
Latitude (geocentric) 23.328378°
Latitude (geographic) 23.468644°
Data file (text)
Number of discovery MPECs: 60
MPEC 2024-E08 : COMET C/2021 X2 (Bok) (*)
MPEC 2024-D135 : COMET P/2005 XR132 (Spacewatch) (*)
MPEC 2024-B135 : COMET P/2018 P3 = P/2023 V8 (PANSTARRS) (*)
MPEC 2018-N34 : 2018 NW (*)
MPEC 2018-L05 : 2018 LB (*)
MPEC 2018-F136: COMET C/2018 C2 (Lemmon) (*)
MPEC 2017-D109: 2017 DF38 (*)
MPEC 2017-D104: 2017 DA38 (*)
MPEC 2017-D100: 2017 DV37 (*)
MPEC 2011-R16 : 2011 RF (*)
MPEC 2011-Q09 : 2011 QS2 (*)
MPEC 2011-Q08 : 2011 QE2 (*)
MPEC 2011-N23 : 2011 NQ (*)
MPEC 2011-N22 : 2011 NP (*)
MPEC 2011-N17 : 2011 ND (*)
MPEC 2011-N16 : 2011 ME5 (*)
MPEC 2011-N15 : 2011 MD5 (*)
MPEC 2011-M33 : 2011 MT (*)
MPEC 2011-H07 : 2011 GX65 (*)
MPEC 2011-H02 : 2011 GP65 (*)
MPEC 2011-H01 : 2011 GO65 (*)
MPEC 2010-V89 : 2010 SB41 (*)
MPEC 2009-A48 : 2009 AU1 (*)
MPEC 2008-U67 : 2008 UZ6 (*)
MPEC 2007-T02 : 2007 SV11 (*)
MPEC 2007-R76 : 2007 RR17 (*)
MPEC 2007-R64 : 2007 RP12 (*)
MPEC 2007-N39 : 2007 NL1 (*)
MPEC 2007-N25 : 2007 NQ (*)
MPEC 2007-M38 : 2007 ML13 (*)
MPEC 2007-K63 : 2007 KG7 (*)
MPEC 2007-J32 : 2007 JX2 (*)
MPEC 2007-J31 : 2007 JW2 (*)
MPEC 2007-F35 : 2007 FE1 (*)
MPEC 2007-E43 : 2007 ES (*)
MPEC 2007-D64 : 2007 DN41 (*)
MPEC 2007-C57 : 2007 CL26 (*)
MPEC 2007-C47 : 2007 CA19 (*)
MPEC 2007-B47 : 2007 BM8 (*)
MPEC 2007-A42 : 2007 AT2 (*)
MPEC 2006-X33 : 2006 XY (*)
MPEC 2006-X31 : 2006 XW (*)
MPEC 2006-W32 : 2006 WO1 (*)
MPEC 2006-W25 : 2006 WW (*)
MPEC 2006-W17 : 2006 WB (*)
MPEC 2006-V50 : 2006 VY2 (*)
MPEC 2006-V49 : 2006 VX2 (*)
MPEC 2006-V48 : 2006 VW2 (*)
MPEC 2006-V47 : 2006 VV2 (*)
MPEC 2006-U47 : 2006 UE63 (*)
MPEC 2006-Q60 : 2006 QX89 (*)
MPEC 2006-Q54 : 2006 QR89 (*)
MPEC 2006-Q42 : 2006 QB58 (*)
MPEC 2006-Q41 : 2006 QA58 (*)
MPEC 2006-Q40 : 2006 QZ57 (*)
MPEC 2006-O10 : 2006 ON1 (*)
MPEC 2006-G26 : 2006 GQ2 (*)
MPEC 2006-G15 : 2006 GD (*)

Observed discovery objects

Important: All values concerns only the discovery MPEC. If the object appears in other MPECs, these values are not used. For this look here

Nr.ObjectDiscoveryStationsObs allObs D35Obs percentNote
1      K06G00D *517318 % 
2      K06G02Q *14791823 % 
3      K06O01N *416319 % 
4      K06Q57Z *311327 % 
5      K06Q58A *416319 % 
6      K06Q58B *310330 % 
7      K06Q89R *522627 % 
8      K06Q89X *725312 % 
9      K06U63E *93539 % 
10      K06V02V *113539 % 
11      K06V02W *114237 % 
12      K06V02X *136969 % 
13      K06V02Y *64038 % 
14      K06W00B *518211 % 
15      K06W00W *124537 % 
16      K06W01O *52827 % 
17      K06X00W *312325 % 
18      K06X00Y *29333 % 
19      K07A02T *316319 % 
20      K07B08M *416638 % 
21      K07C19A *312325 % 
22      K07C26L *417318 % 
23      K07D41N *414321 % 
24      K07E00S *314321 % 
25      K07F01E *621314 % 
26      K07J02W *625312 % 
27      K07J02X *93938 % 
28      K07K07G *324417 % 
29      K07M13L *73738 % 
30      K07N00Q *417318 % 
31      K07N01L Discovery2141286 % 
32      K07R12P *83027 % 
33      K07R17R *930310 % 
34      K07S11V *63626 % 
35      K08U06Z *83713 % 
36      K09A01U *124637 % 
37      K10S41B *211436 % 
38      K11G65O *518211 % 
39      K11G65P *428829 % 
40      K11G65X *311436 % 
41      K11M00T *9784051 % 
42      K11M05D *622732 % 
43      K11M05E *10411537 % 
44      K11N00D *8441841 % 
45      K11N00P *6321444 % 
46      K11N00Q *418422 % 
47      K11Q02E *6291034 % 
48      K11Q02S *8321031 % 
49      K11R00F *727622 % 
50      K13K18Y *216319 % 
51      K17D37V *62329 % 
52      K17D38A *2211333 % 
53      K17D38F *93725 % 
54      K18L00B *733618 % 
55      K18N00W *317318 % 
56     CK18C020 *3124662 %comet
57     CK21X020 *15951415 %comet
58     PK05XD2R *1311144 %comet
59     PK23V080 *528725 %comet
60 0046P        *155492170 %comet
Sum60 objects   147633352 %5 comets

Stations are all stations in the discovery MPEC, which observed this object. Object is the short name and an asteriks appears for objects, which have been announced in the MPECs as NEO. A discovery by this station is named as Discovery. Obs all are all observations in the discovery MPEC for this object. Obs D35 are all observations in the discovery MPEC for this station. Obs percent is the percentage of stations observation to all observations.

D35 has discovered 1 objects. It has made 335 of all 14763 observations (2 %) at 60 objects in all discovery MPECS.

All MPECs for station D35

Discovery MPEC for station D35

All observations for station D35

Created with MPECSGET.